Sunday 7 November 2010

Smile for the Camera, little Pikachu.

Maths revision? Pft, what maths revision? I've been spending my day on the floor playing old games, what a genius I am.

So with Wiimote in hand, (yes WII, it has its moments sometimes,) I started playing through all my old dust-covered games one by one. Most of it was terrible YES WIIFIT IM LOOKING AT YOU, but what I really ended up playing for ages were my old virtual console games. Virtual console games are old 80's-90's games restored on the Wii, and include some of Nintendo's best games ever. 

Pokemon Snap for example, is a game where instead of capturing and fighting pokemon, you just take pictures of them. Sounds ridiculous I know, but it was good enough to have me playing for about 2 hours. Basically, you play as....Todd? (Think that was his name) and your job is to take pretty pictures of every pokemon in existence (because everyone knows everything other than the Gen 1 pokemon don't exist right? .....RIGHT.)

It's a crazy game, one bit has you having to lead a Pikachu onto a surfboard by throwing apples at it? Argh, I felt so bad. Also, in a later level, a random Charmeleon is walking around a crater, turns out if you push him into the volcano, he randomly evolves into a Charizard and rises out of the lava & roars a bit.

Oh that's good. Next time I want my team to evolve i'll just push them into the nearest volcano.

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