Thursday 21 April 2011


I went to sleep last night and woke up this morning telling myself I had to make a video. I had the entire thing planned out and everything- but like the failure I am, of course it didn't get made. I WAS TRYING. YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME. I just started recording... and it just wasn't working :'3

I was ready to attack the next person I saw which...happened to be Ryan. So that wouldn't have been a good idea. I'm so sorry, I have failed yew. The voo-voo (video) wasn't that great anyway, so don't get too excited. My B plan for the day was go out with friends for inspiration. There wasn't any inspiration. Just stick fights and milkshakes. 
It'll get made tomorrow! I PROMISE.
(and lets face it, I always keep my promises -,-)

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Oh & also...

*deep breath*
There is a story to this panda, but if i'm honest. I don't feel like telling it, I mean- I have a fucking panda.

Todays Top Secret Murder Plan

Today I was invited to go to the magical place of Chelmsford, with mah Weezy, Patrick & some other girl. Patrick & I came up with a plan the night before, it involved killing them both & ditching the evidence, it was flawless. It was all going well to plan, I even had to sit through some shit film about dancing birds or wutevz, not exactly sure what was happening, I was trippin out at the time, but THEN Patrick ran away..... Fucking Patrick.

Everyone was freaking out, but all I had to focus on was ending these two girl's lives, and I came incredibly close when- who should jump out on us but PATRICK WITH HIS DOUCHEBAG GLASSES >:| ....fucking Patrick.

Anyway, we led them to this park place and then Pat blew our cover by shouting "RAH IMA DINOSAURRR"....Fucking Patrick. So hahah, awkward right? So basically, I killed her, her and her stupid camera.

It was a pretty chill date, went pretty well plus, I am so in there!

Monday 18 April 2011

Best £6 Ever

This bird is angry.
I bought this the other day, instead of saving money for that MEGA EXPENSIVE CAMERA YOU WANT SAM, I thought this would be a better purchase. So for six pounds or like 8 dollars you american bastards, I bought this. As you can probably guess, I have had endless hours of fun with it & only worked out like 5 seconds ago when you press it's forehead it makes a DEMONIC SATAN DEATH SCREAM, which scared the shit out of me.

But, other than the demonic haunting- I love it.
                                                                                                                   I GIVE IT 4 PIKACHUS OUT OF 5. 

Sunday 9 January 2011

51 Things That Are Better Than Twilight.

  1. Oddish
  2. The Vongola Family
  3. Commitment
  4. Wiifit
  5. Sunshine
  6. Lollipops
  7. Rainbows
  8. Actual Murder
  9. YahooMail
  10. Ash Ketchum
  11. Robert Pattinson BEFORE Twilight
  12. Like Goblet of Fire. Anyone remember that one? No?
  13. Vanilla Ice
  14. Pokemon Diamond Version (and that was terrible)
  15. Parties
  16. Edward Elric
  17. Scooby-Doo 
  18. Fred
  19. Velma
  20. Miner 49er
  21. Shaggy (But not Daphne)
  22. Ino 
  23. Rick Astley
  24. Teardrops in the eyes of small children
  25. Gay People
  26. Ancient Egyptians
  27. Actual Vampires
  29. Turtles. Ya know, in general
  30. SONY
  31. The number 8 
  32. Symmetry
  33. Dogs
  34. That gay Andrex advert
  35. Toilet paper actually, I fucking hate it
  36. Ya know that shock feeling you get when you wake up in the middle of the night because you jump and shock yourself as you're unconcious, yeah that, it's really quite annoying.
  38. Just about any anime ever.
  39. Just about any book ever.
  40. Just about any movie ever.
  41. Just about any game ever.
  42. Just about any face ever.
  43. Clubbing
  44. Jedward
  45. Omanyte!
  47. The rap music genre
  48. Americans
  49. Established Authors 
  50. Depression
  51. Just about every other thing in the world tbh.

Wednesday 22 December 2010


Sorry about that non-entry yesterday, mah mund waz nut werkin. 
It was also really really late so ima try rewrite it :3

I HAVE HAD MY HAIR CUT OFF MY HEAD. MY HAIR BABIES ARE ON THE FLOOR. WHAT IS HAPPENING. Wait, why am I freaking out? Im the one who asked for it. Basically I wanted some short, black hair for Florida, simples. Can't really...decide if I like it it's not exactly great.

Although, if the weather continues as it is we may not even get to Florida, because there is snow everywhere & frankly, this country is a bit pathetic. I've seen people on the news sleeping in the airports, which is what always happens when there's the slightest bit of snow in the UK. I wouldn't care ordinarily, but I don't like the idea of spending Christmas day in an airport terminal :')  (Although it IS giving me a cute image in my head of a terminal christmas party :'3 )

In other uninteresting stories that literally noone else cares about but me, i'm watching this new show called Hitman Reborn! It's such an amazing show! I'm only on episode 6 but I love it already. It's uhm about this schoolkid loser called Tsuna, who is going to be a 10th Generation Mafia Boss? Anyway this small...thing called reborn is teaching him how, by shooting him with a gun and putting him in life-threatening situations? Im not even sure, it was a very wierd show.

 (Got your attention Demi? :'3)
Apparently, according to my friend Demi anyway, Robert Pattinson (ya know, the sparkly one) will be in Florida as well, and i'm expected to go find him & proclaim my love to him. (Wait, not my love. DEMI'S LOVE.) Demi then carried on to tell me where he is, what clothes he'll likely be wearing & his dressing habits. o_o
Hm, well for a start Florida is probably larger than the UK and I will very likely not see Mr Pattinson. Because, he's Robert Pattinson. But if I DO see him, I promise to do those strange things you told me to D:


Tuesday 21 December 2010


Turns out my vlogs on my new channel are doing pretty well! MAJOR LIKE. For me, 300 views is like... o_o
I think....this blog will be more for what I can't say in videos, or just wouldn't be that interesting in-video.

I've also started on a new anime (about time tbh) HITMAN REBORN!!!! Is possibly the cutest anime ever, only on episode 3, but I fricken love it. Oh yeah, the reason i'm writing.

My hairs coming off :'[         
But. It'll look better  :']
But it means no more puff puff hair :'[
But it also means smexy short black hair for holiday! :D
(I hope so anyway, the black hair bit is still a bit.... non-existant)