Wednesday 22 December 2010


Sorry about that non-entry yesterday, mah mund waz nut werkin. 
It was also really really late so ima try rewrite it :3

I HAVE HAD MY HAIR CUT OFF MY HEAD. MY HAIR BABIES ARE ON THE FLOOR. WHAT IS HAPPENING. Wait, why am I freaking out? Im the one who asked for it. Basically I wanted some short, black hair for Florida, simples. Can't really...decide if I like it it's not exactly great.

Although, if the weather continues as it is we may not even get to Florida, because there is snow everywhere & frankly, this country is a bit pathetic. I've seen people on the news sleeping in the airports, which is what always happens when there's the slightest bit of snow in the UK. I wouldn't care ordinarily, but I don't like the idea of spending Christmas day in an airport terminal :')  (Although it IS giving me a cute image in my head of a terminal christmas party :'3 )

In other uninteresting stories that literally noone else cares about but me, i'm watching this new show called Hitman Reborn! It's such an amazing show! I'm only on episode 6 but I love it already. It's uhm about this schoolkid loser called Tsuna, who is going to be a 10th Generation Mafia Boss? Anyway this small...thing called reborn is teaching him how, by shooting him with a gun and putting him in life-threatening situations? Im not even sure, it was a very wierd show.

 (Got your attention Demi? :'3)
Apparently, according to my friend Demi anyway, Robert Pattinson (ya know, the sparkly one) will be in Florida as well, and i'm expected to go find him & proclaim my love to him. (Wait, not my love. DEMI'S LOVE.) Demi then carried on to tell me where he is, what clothes he'll likely be wearing & his dressing habits. o_o
Hm, well for a start Florida is probably larger than the UK and I will very likely not see Mr Pattinson. Because, he's Robert Pattinson. But if I DO see him, I promise to do those strange things you told me to D:


Tuesday 21 December 2010


Turns out my vlogs on my new channel are doing pretty well! MAJOR LIKE. For me, 300 views is like... o_o
I think....this blog will be more for what I can't say in videos, or just wouldn't be that interesting in-video.

I've also started on a new anime (about time tbh) HITMAN REBORN!!!! Is possibly the cutest anime ever, only on episode 3, but I fricken love it. Oh yeah, the reason i'm writing.

My hairs coming off :'[         
But. It'll look better  :']
But it means no more puff puff hair :'[
But it also means smexy short black hair for holiday! :D
(I hope so anyway, the black hair bit is still a bit.... non-existant)


Wednesday 1 December 2010

The Foretold Miyan Prophecy that is....

Sexy new version
of Geodude.
Holy shit it's dancing.
Also it turns into
Nawh, i'm kidding. Although that WOULD be a pretty amazing game.
The game i'm actually talking about is Pokemon White Version (because it's SUPREME.)
Not even sure
What it is. But I love it.
I'm actually pretty excited for it, even though it is 5 odd months away. Why isn't it in the UK yet? :'[ I've already planned my team out and everything, I NEED THIS GAME. THE POKEMONZ MOVE THEY FREAKING MOVE.

Reminds me of myself.

Folder -#3

Wow, new font! Wow Sam, you're so deep. Recently, i've been searching my laptop so I can make some new space. I've found some really strange things but the wierdest thing I came across was a photo folder called Folder -#3...... I'll share some of it with you.
Scariest thing i've ever seen. Fact.
Good question. WUT?!

Picture of Nick Clegg. like ya do.


Piss off .

I actually love this. This is going on my wall.
 Along with a innocent little piece of soft porn that I DEFINITELY DID NOT PUT THERE >:[
Seriously, how do I not remember much of this? I mean Nick Clegg & Ryan are fine but.... POLICE MONKEY? REALLY.

Bombsey Memorial Post

Bombsey96 is NO MORE. LOL. What fun.
Let's remember the good times.

Or...not because it's time for the overall newer and (lets face it) better channel of GO GO PANDA PANDA :3

Did you like it? Did I make a good first vlog? Who knows.